Price Compliance and getting ahead on in-store promos


Like many in the category, one of our customers in the tobacco category was struggling with the following challenges across network of more than 100,000 convenience stores.

  • Poor price compliance execution: to have competitive pricing at the shelf
  • Lack of data about competitive in-store promotion activity across regions
  • Tedious manual audits taking up Rep time

Now at every store visit, company Reps take images of tobacco fixtures and within seconds Best Shelf Action recommendation tells them prices that are not complaint and automates manual audits freeing up several minutes from every store visit. Instant Retail Visibility provides corporate with data on price, promotions, contract compliance and share of shelf across every store within a few hours of the visit. Our customer is able to realize these benefits by using our solution

  • Improve price compliance at shelf
  • Get ahead of competition knowing and responding quicker on in-store promotional activation
  • Free-up field rep time from manual audits to cover more stores
The work with Snap2Insight has been groundbreaking and has added immense value in in-store operations and retailer compliance requirements
Senior Director, Customer Marketing and Planning ITG Brands

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